
How To Get Access Code For Wells Fargo Atm

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Good afternoon everyone, I hope you had a great weekend.  A few months ago, I wrote Wells Fargo Discontinues Instant Issue Debit Cards Effective November 30 .  In that post, I said:

After November 30, if you need a replacement debit card (if your current debit card was lost or stolen), you can no longer get a temporary debit card at a Wells Fargo branch – you will need to use the Wells Fargo app or call Wells Fargo (1-800-869-3557) to request a replacement debit card. Once your request is submitted, your replacement debit card will arrive via mail in 5-7 days.

November 30 came and went and there weren't any more updates, until my recent Wells Fargo checking account statement closed a few days ago.  I will go into my details below, but long story short, Wells Fargo will no longer issue temporary debit cards and is discontinuing the ATM Access Code feature, both changes are effective on April 1, 2021.  Read on to learn more.

Here are the new changes, effective April 1, 2021, that appeared on my February 19 checking account statement.  There are 2 different changes, so let's talk about the first change first.

November 30, 2020 change:

Effective on or after November 30, 2020, (1) Wells Fargo branches will no longer be able to issue Wells Fargo Instant Issue Debit Cards and/or Business Instant Issue Debit Cards in certain circumstances, and (2) Wells Fargo branches in the states of South Carolina and Washington will no longer be able to issue Wells Fargo Instant Issue Debit Cards, Wells Fargo Business Instant Issue Debit Cards, and/or EasyPay Instant Cards.

If you need a replacement card, you may request one by signing on to Wells Fargo Online® or calling the number on your statement. Once requested, replacement cards typically arrive in 5 to 7 calendar days.

April 1, 2021 change:

Effective on or after April 1, 2021, Wells Fargo will no longer issue temporary debit cards, including Wells Fargo Instant Issue Debit Cards, Wells Fargo Business Instant Issue Debit Cards, and EasyPay Instant Cards.

If you need a replacement card, you may request one by signing on to Wells Fargo Online® or calling the number on your statement. Once requested, replacement cards arrive by mail in 5 to 7 calendar days.

Before November 30, 2020, you used to be able to get instant issue debit cards at Wells Fargo branches.  That ended on November 30, 2020.  After April 1, 2021, Wells Fargo will no longer issue temporary debit cards of any kind, you will need to wait for a replacement debit card to arrive via mail.

The second announcement is in regards to the ATM Access Code feature .  According to Wells Fargo, to use this feature, "Open the Wells Fargo Mobile® app, tap Menu in the bottom bar and select Cards, ATM Access Code, and then the Get Code button. You will receive a code that you can use at any Wells Fargo ATM."  This is helpful if you need to access your Wells Fargo accounts, but you do not have your Wells Fargo debit card with you.  Well, that feature is going away on April 1, 2021.

The easiest workaround is to add your Wells Fargo debit card to your mobile wallet (ApplePay, Google Pay, etc.) and then tap your phone on the Wells Fargo ATM to sign into your account.

That will work great… most of the time, unless the Wells Fargo location you want to access requires a physical card for entry (usually after business hours).

These changes are not good, but should not cause too much trouble until you lose your debit card and do not have a smart phone with a mobile wallet.  If you have any questions about either change, please leave a comment below.  Have a great day everyone!

How To Get Access Code For Wells Fargo Atm


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